The European Parliament is the institution of democratic expression and control of the European Union and represents 500 million citizens of the 27 states that are now part of ' Union.
The formation of the European Union began after World War II.
On May 9, 1950, the first French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (CZECH) with the objective of securing peace between the winners and losers World War II. This initiative became reality with the Treaty of Paris in 1951, thanks to the six founding countries: Belgium, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Enter into force in 1952 for a period of fifty years.
The success of the leads in 1957 to create a European Economic Community is based on a wider market, including a range of goods and services by eliminating customs duties and establishing an agricultural policy and trade policy.
It was so successful that Denmark, Ireland and the UK agree to take part in 1973. For this reason, we also worked out new social and environmental policies with the creation two years later, the European Fund (ERDF).
On June 4, 1979 represents a historic fundamental to the Union welcomed the first European Parliament by direct universal suffrage election of 410 members representing the Member States.
In 1981, he assist the entry of Greece, followed by Spain and Portugal. Europe was founded in 1986 to twelve.
the early eighties, a global recession fed a status of "Euro-pessimism" as the European Commission decided to publish a White Paper to spark new hope. The Community shall, in fact, to complete the internal market by 1993 that states that objective with the Single European Act, signed in 1986 and came into force in July 1987.
In October 1990, the political structure of Europe underwent a radical transformation since the fall of the Berlin Wall leading to the reunification of Germany, the democratization of Central and Eastern Europe free from Soviet control and implosion of ' Soviet Union in 1991. These events induce the European Union to draft a new treaty on European Union adopted by the Council in Maastricht in December 1991, in force since 1993 with the objective of integration in the Community system for a system of intergovernmental cooperation in certain areas, creating the European Union. The new geopolitical dynamics and evolution lead Austria, Finland and Sweden to join the Union in 1995. After a few years, the EU is moving towards the creation of a single currency. In 1999, it introduced the euro in transactions solely finance, coins and banknotes are issued after three years in European Union countries. The new major world currency status of the international currency like the dollar.
To address the phenomenon of globalization and the applicant's use of the Internet and new technologies, the European Union in 2000, adopts the Lisbon Strategy with the aim of modernizing the European economy that is able to compete in the global market. For this reason, it is encouraging innovation and investment, together with an educational system designed to meet the new requirements.
In 2001, during the Board of Lake, n kick off the process of adopting a declaration on the future of the EU that paves the way for a major reform: the creation of a European constitution. This phase ended in 2003 with the adoption of a draft constitution put to a referendum in France first and then in the Netherlands but sees him dismissed. In 2004, the European Union accepts the accession of ten candidate countries: Poland, czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, the three states Baltic States Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Slovenia and Cyprus and Malta Mediterranean two weights. These were soon followed by Bulgaria and Romania.
2007 is the year of the Lisbon treaty drafted to replace the rejected European constitution earlier. Enter into force in 2009 but not as unique as a set of treaties. In particular, the Treaty of Lisbon will amend the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) would assume the title "Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). To these are added to the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Euratom Treaty.
The European Parliament (EP) is elected by EU citizens and represent their interests. Its origins date back to the '50s and the founding treaties since 1979 its members are directly elected by the people is that the Parliament itself.
The Lisbon Treaty gives more power to Parliament, and reinforcing its role in areas that include: agriculture, fisheries, energy, immigration, security, justice and home affairs, health, structural funds ......
More specifically, the Parliament became a co-legislator with the Council in new areas, some of whom were under the exclusive competence of the Council: Agriculture and fishing, legal immigration, judicial cooperation, asylum policy, monetary policy on the use of the euro, the Structural Funds.
While in other new areas introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon, such as: energy, services of general economic interest, immigration, tourism, European research, health, sport, border control, applies the Parliament-Council co-decision.
Parliament by the Treaty of Lisbon also gives a greater role in defining the Community budget.
falls on the division between "compulsory expenditure" and "non-compulsory expenditure" and, together with the Council, decides on the whole EU budget.
Elections are held every five years, and every EU citizen has the right to vote and run, wherever they live within the EU. The last elections were held in June 2009.
Parliament thus expresses the democratic will of EU citizens (more than 490 million people) and represents their interests in discussions with other EU institutions. The current Parliament consists of 736 members from 27 EU countries. In principle, starting from the next legislature (2009 - 2014) the number of MEPs should not exceed 736.
Members of Parliament are not united on the basis of national sides but in seven political groups Pan, representing, among all the different points of view on European integration, from the most strongly pro-federalist to the openly Eurosceptic.
Jerzy Buzek was elected President of the European Parliament on 14 July 2009 and will remain in office for two years (until January 2012).
the establishment of the Parliament
The European Parliament has for its activities in three locations: Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg and Strasbourg (France).
Luxembourg is home to administrative offices, or the "General Secretariat". Meetings of the Parliament, known as 'plenary sessions', take place in Strasbourg and sometimes in Brussels. In Brussels, are also held committee meetings.
What does Parliament
Parliament has three main functions :
1. shares legislative power with the Council in many policy areas. The direct election of the EP from citizens helps guarantee the democratic legitimacy of European law.
2. exercise democratic supervision over other EU institutions and in particular the Commission. It has the power to approve or reject the nomination of Commissioners and has the right to censure the Commission as a whole.
3. shares with the Council poteredi the EU budget and can therefore affect the expenditure. At the end of the procedure, it adopts or rejects the budget as a whole.
These three functions are described more fully below.
1. Legislative power
The most common procedure for the adoption (or "approval") of EU legislation is the co-decision. This procedure places the European Parliament and the Council on an equal footing and it applies to the legislative history relating to a wide range of fields.
In some areas of intervention (For example, agriculture, economic policy, visas and immigration), the Council acting alone but is required to consult Parliament. The Parliament's assent is also needed for important decisions, such as consent to the accession of new countries to the EU.
Parliament also provides impetus for new legislation by examining the annual work program of the Commission, considering what new laws would be appropriate and asking the Commission to submit proposals.
2. Democratic control
Parliament exercises democratic supervision over other EU institutions in several ways.
Entry into office of a new Commission members are appointed by the governments of EU Member States but may not be appointed without parliamentary approval. Parliament has held individual talks with each of them, including President-designate, and then proceeds to a vote that will decide whether or not the approval of the Commission as a whole.
For the duration of its mandate, the Commission is politically accountable to Parliament, which can pass a "motion of censure," which requires the resignation of the Commission.
More generally, Parliament exercises control through the continuous examination of the reports referred to it by the Commission (annual general report, reports on budget, etc...) Moreover, MEPs regularly ask the Commission to Question, to which the commissioners are required by law to respond.
Parliament also plays a role in monitoring the work of the Council: MEPs regularly ask the Council and the Chairman of the Board, in addition to participating in important debates, attend plenary sessions of the EP.
function of democratic control is exercised by Parliament through the examination of petitions by private citizens and the establishment of commissions of inquiry.
Finally, Parliament is contributing to all the summit (the European Council meetings). Opening of each summit, the President of Parliament is invited to express views and concerns of the Parliament on key issues and problems on the agenda of the European Council.
3. The power of the purse
The EU's annual budget is the result of a joint decision of the Parliament and the Council. Is then discussed in Parliament during two successive readings, and shall enter into force only after the signature of the President.
The Committee on Budgetary Control of the Parliament (Budgetary Control) monitors how the resources are spent Budget and every year Parliament decides whether to approve the way in which the Commission has managed the budget for the previous financial year. This approval process is known in technical terms as "discharge."
How is the work of Parliament
Parliament's work is divided into two main parts:
Preparation of the plenary session
preparation for the plenary session is carried out by MEPs in the various committees Members specialize in particular areas of EU activity. The issues for debate are also discussed by political groups;
The plenary session itself.
Plenary sessions are normally held in Strasbourg (one week per month) and sometimes in Brussels (two days). At these sessions, Parliament examines proposed legislation and votes on amendments before coming to a decision on the overall text.
Other agenda items may include "communications" of the Council and the Commission or issues going on in the European Union or elsewhere in the world.
MEPs are represented of each Member State for the duration of an entire term.
not met according to their nationality but their political affinities, creating the so-called political groups composed of at least 25 deputies. Non-members of a political group in the current term are only 28 out of 736.
Each political group is responsible for its internal organization by electing a president and two co-chairs, a bureau and a secretariat.
In Brussels, members attending meetings of the committees during the so-called "rose week" and those of political groups during the "blue week", as well as additional rounds.
In Strasbourg, however, take part in plenary sessions of the twelve regular return, known as "Red Week". In parallel with these activities, follow the constituencies, "weeks of turquoise." With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the member has a greater role in defining the Community budget, acts as the legislative and political control and consultation as laid down by the Treaties.
Finally, elects the President of the Commission and approve the entire Commission.
The majority of the members has also the right of initiative on matters which it considers that the development of a measure.
The President of the European Parliament is the representative of the institution: open, suspend and close the meetings of the Plenary Assembly. He also represents the European Parliament in international relations, ceremonies, administrative, legal and financial.
The current President, Jerzy Buzek, former President of the European Parliament from a country in Eastern Europe, will remain in office for two and a half years.
The standing committees of Parliament, and any sub-committees and temporary committees, which cover all areas of EU activity, from agriculture to foreign policy and security policy, the legal affairs and citizens' rights, development cooperation, prepare to be presented in Parliament The Parliament may also establish committees of inquiry specific issues of great impact on public opinion, for example, on mad cow disease, maritime security, the CIA flights.
parliamentary delegations and the joint parliamentary delegations dealing with relations with the parliaments of candidate countries with a large number of third countries and certain international organizations.
- The College
The College consists of five Quaestors, responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning the Members in accordance with guidelines established by the Bureau, with a membership in an advisory capacity. The mandate of Quaestors lasts for the entire term.
- European Parliament Vice President
's 14 vice presidents, also nominated for two and a half years, may substitute the President in case of absence or inability to attend, may be delegated to represent the House during ceremonies or particular acts, are part of the Bureau, steering regulatory Parliament empowered to take decisions on financial, organizational and administrative provisions relating to Members and the internal organization of the institution, its Secretariat and its organs.
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