The months of the end and beginning of the year are "normal" ones where air pollution is greater, as we know it is due to heating boilers and smoke transport.
Who is sensitive to problem, will have read in various newspapers that the data concerning the values \u200b\u200bof the infamous PM10 - PM2, 5 and Benzene are out of control.
Unfortunately this information is related only to the city of Milan, I did not find direct references and detailed information about the area of \u200b\u200bLegnano. It seems that in Legnano
miss the monitoring stations of these pollutants.
Among other things I'm not sure that the traffic police are provided with adequate means to detect the smoke emitted from commercial or private vehicles (ex blue label), in fact I do not ever watch them at work, but maybe a case.
Sunday January 31 in Milan fire blocking traffic with the usual arguments of those in favor and who's not.
It 'obvious that one Sunday a year to block the movement is useless, need more complex.
For example the most control to heating boilers, the adoption of less polluting resources such as photovoltaics for public buildings and to car traffic activation of car-sharing (electric cars for hire), and the replacement of the old buses with smaller ones and electric, could, together with new bike lanes to improve the situation considerably.
However, rather than the current silence and indifference general, a better Sunday to piedi.Il problem is primarily cultural event ever, it is therefore necessary to raise public awareness. It is certainly not avoiding the collection of data on pollution and then not giving citizens the right information
you solve problems, sick to hide a serious illness can not cure him, but this can only illuderlo what he knows about teasing . Finally
is really sad that these problems often are given a political party.
Unfortunately, the disinterest of many means that those few that move are taken very seriously and confined in a "reserve Indian. "
These issues need the cooperation of all. Meanwhile
thirteen municipalities in the province of Varese, in collaboration with the local health authorities and the harp, have joined forces to develop a memorandum of understanding on health issues related to pollution.
is desirable that the municipalities of our region to follow suit.
The stresses in the letter that comes to us from John cover a topical issue 'and in newspapers beginning of the year generally filled the pages of interest but then "Vanish" as soon as the emergency trascorre.Come Association Making wood when we abstained in making comments in the press as it would be disappointing to use a copy / paste the address on the subject that have seen us make a parere.In this time we are trying to develop stronger and considerations related to the local and the letter of John comes about ....
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