's official: the March 17, 2011 , to celebrate 150 years unification of Italy, schools and offices will be closed. It 'was decided by the Council of Ministers and announced in a press conference - at the end of the meeting - the Secretary of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Gianni Letta.
The parade June 2 this year will see the participation of heads of state and foreign governments and have an international flavor.
will be held between 16 and 17 March the "tricolor night" with a live broadcast of all planned initiatives in the name of a great festival.
Finally it was decided in 2011 the inclusion of the three most popular events of our country ( Cup Italy, Sanremo and Giro d'Italy ) as part of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of 'Unification of Italy.
The Senate and House of Deputies have approved, we have sanctioned and issued as follows: Article one: The King Vittorio Emanuele II assumes for himself and his successors the title of King of Italy. We order that the present, bearing the seal of the State, to be included in the collection of the acts of the government, sending anyone up to observe and enforce it as law of the State. From Turin day of March 17, 1861.
are the words that you can read the document of the 4671 Law of the Kingdom of Sardinia and shall serve as official proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, following the meeting of March 14, 1861 the parliament, which was voted on the bill. On April 21, 1861 that No law becomes the 1 of the Kingdom of Italy.
In about two years, from spring 1859 to spring of 1861, was born from a 'Italy is divided into seven states, the new kingdom: a route from the military victory of the Franco-Piedmont in 1859 and the concomitant gradual crumbling of the various Italian states who had tied their fate to the presence of Austria in the peninsula and ends with the proclamation of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy.
Between 1859 and 1860 there was a real clash between the liberal element, and the old ruling class but a resigned acceptance of the new reality by the latter. Only in the southern kingdom manifested any resistance after the loss of Sicily and the arrival of Garibaldi in Naples (September 7), without a shot being fired, with the battle of the Volturno and the defense of several strongholds. The new state was not unique political traditions (along with a municipal center and noble traditions of the north, the south and there was a highly centralized monarchical tradition in Naples) but was based on a nation with ancient cultural origins which formed a strong unit in throughout the country, one state - as he wrote after the close of the Second World War a famous Swiss historian, Werner Kaegi - that five centuries before the unit had "a genuine national consciousness," even if formless politics. The fast recognition of the kingdom by Great Britain and Switzerland, 30 March 1861, just two weeks after its proclamation, followed by the United States of America April 13, 1861, beyond sympathy for the Liberal government turin, there was also a drawing, even if still uncertain, the benefit that would have taken the continent by the presence of the new kingdom.
it began to spread the belief that a united Italy might be an element of stability for the whole continent. Instead of being a land of conflict between powers decided to buy a hegemonic position in Central and South in the Mediterranean, Italy unified, that is, a kingdom of more than 22 million people, could be an effective obstacle to the expansionist tendencies of France on one side and the Habsburg Empire and the other due to its favorable geographical position, enter in contrast between France and Britain for domination of the Mediterranean.
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