Friday, March 18, 2011

Firefighter With Herpes

That night of March 10 years ago ...... Call

that night of March a decade ago ....
Angelo Pisoni

night between 17 and 18 March 2000. A fire broke out in the center of wood, but none of the citizens Legnanesi gets involved. The flames spread in an industrial wasteland and most central, the area of \u200b\u200bcanton. The result of the tragic fire is five deaths. Three adults and two children. Five ghosts "forgotten" in this for years to be the symbol of the indifference of the city. Five people, five Macedonians came from afar to try to escape from a nation in decay, to search for a condition of life.
is a Saturday morning. The news was picked up by radio stations, local newspapers, even those national and RAI. But as there are people that live in the area? Who am I?
On Sunday morning, someone enters nell'exfabbrica. In the afternoon about fifty people out to demonstrate in the streets. It is the first time that the "no name" are presented to the city. Are Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians. There are no Macedonians shocked and frightened by what happened.
But it is only the beginning of the story of the "cantons". L 'Hotel Misery "in Legnano.
Inside the buildings of Piazza IV Novembre beats a humanity composed mainly of Tunisians arrived in Legnano who knows how to find work. Regular and irregular living were once the machinery of a factory historical Legnanesi. For the city until the morning of March do not exist. Suddenly come to life and make themselves heard. A march of four people traveling in the months after the city's streets under the astonished eyes of the few Legnanesi remained in the city in a hot Sunday afternoon. It ends in a party at Castle Park.
Other parades will follow in the months and years to come. Meetings in the open or closed with the authorities Palace Malinverni premises. A city council opened for the first time where "foreigners" speak with great fear, before the Mayor.
What demand? One thing about it all: a home.
not want to live in the factory where when it rains, water washes the mattresses, not enough even when it's cold quilts donated by someone, when you eat, the company is more cheerful that of rats Olona.
For years overlap promises, meetings, discussions. Time passes and all remains as before. Nor is it an organized evacuation from above. Everything remains the "cantons". You get little things, but the casbah Legnano remains. Some complain, but what hurts the most is the indifference of many, indeed of many.
Until one morning the 'Hotel Misery "falls under the blows of the bulldozers. Years of life spent there, scattered in the dust of the rubble.
Ten years have passed. Cantoni is a shopping mall. The inhabitants then were gradually "spread" on the ground. Many have changed, life has changed them. Those ghost-workers, the foremen recruited at five in the morning, have evaporated, but in those who lived with them "cantons" is left an empty feeling and why no, of helplessness.
Many hours of social work to get to the "security decree" in recent months.
But that's another story.

This piece was present on the old site to fetch wood, ( and remembered what happened at Legnano in 2000. Today, without any polemical spirit because if the ripubblichiamo tonight and rightly celebrated in our city also a testimony of what happened is not to forget.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rainwater Leaking Into Trunk

Happy Anniversary 150 • unit 'of Italy!

City illuminated tricolor! Happy Anniversary 150 • unit 'of Italy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shota Shota Dangsan Gay


Yes the photo is now in the middle, big, tomorrow is an important day for our nation, our homeland, and have one of those people who still calls her homeland. This
our Italy, occasionally ramshackle, with many problemini, big problem, but beautiful and made by many people of great heart, croaker often, but we are always ready to help, to do good.
Happy anniversary!

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Minutes of CCRR: March 14, 2011

PRESENT: Irene Priolo (Mayor of Calderara di Reno), Alexander Trasforini (Adviser), Elisabetta Urbani (Head of welfare policies and services to Calderaia person for the City of Reno), Maria Herrera (Councillor Young), Giancarlo Sissa (educator and facilitator)

Alice Bortolani, Marco Bosi, Francesco Magni, Anna Soliman, Giusi Dicandia, Simone Silvestri, Sofia Core, Andrea Campagna, Emily Sarti, Lorenzo Menarini, Minghelli Denise, Alessandra Perlino, Silvia Nunziante, Michele Favaretto, Gardini Davide, Bakri Chaim.

The session opens with the visit of the Mayor of Calderara: Priolo Irene. It shows the kids some important details regarding the trip to Strasbourg, the European Parliament. The estimated would cost around which the cost of the trip would be around 250 €, but the chances are good that this decrease due to the contribution of the Avis and some Italian MEPs. The total fee would be, therefore, always according to one estimate, less than 200 € (from the second part of the session clear that the common, unfortunately, because of the numerous charges he faces and lack of availability of money, would not be able to help families bear the expense).

One wonders, finally, what can be done to help families in need (access to a trip to Strasbourg will be accessible to all children / and or attend only the young directors who may pay the fee? The economic issue can be a discriminating?) or simply to reduce, where possible, the share. The guys give different solutions:

Selling homemade cookies by the stalls
Adjust and make the most beautiful bikes routes (from another project)
Making lottery

Alessandro recalls certain events which had just occurred and others that are planned:

Sunday, March 13 (already done): the inauguration of the center of Bologna2 " Creative Recycling "King Midas of the Association. 

Tuesday, March 15: 20.30. Conference "mafias old / new mafias." Speakers boys of the "Free", by which the CCRR has worked during the school year 2009-2010. 

Saturday, March 19: hours 11.00. They plant the tree, probably an oak, in Calderara (behind the Cove); celebration against the Mafia. 

Sunday, March 27: Eco-party.

Speech by head of welfare policies and personal services for the City of Calderara di Reno: Elisabetta Urbani.

This explains the difference between politicians and technicians of the municipality. I first have to propose ideas, make projects, the latter, however, must meet these ideas. Dr. Urbani subsequently asks students to bring them some examples of social, educational, cultural and youth projects. The intent is to make tax guys what are the "personal services" and, therefore, what it takes.

Dr. Urbani explained to children how the creative recycling: we must join through a card (70.00 € per year). The card will be valid for 14 activities of King Midas. The spaces at the Bologna Two, will be open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The boys

propose initiatives and requests:

  shirts CCRR
Place goalposts in parks
 There are too many basketball courts: make at least a football field
 Making pool
the task entrusted to the boys for the next time to think of some innovation to be proposed to the City of Calderara di Reno and a list of specific requests. An invitation to attend the next meeting of the CCRR be addressed Alderman for Sport.

Other re-examined will be the topic of sustainable mobility and infrastructure for disabled persons: when the weather will be proposed a stroll around the area.

The boys must think of some design / writing that could become the new logo dell'Avis.

Giancarlo also recalls the possibility of the boys and girls to participate with their writings the creation of a national anthology of reflections against the Mafia.

Earthquake in Japan, the boys are very aware:

Crack of 500 km (some say 500 feet!)
Earth's axis has shifted 10 cm
risk nuclear power plants.
Earthquake of magnitude greater than 27,000 times of that of the eagle. Next

CCRR Monday, March 28, 2011 from 14 to 16 hours.

Minutes drawn up in collaboration between Maria Herrera and Giancarlo Sissa

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Italy starting from chickens and rabbits and going ....

will be a long post ... I take very long because the large, concedetemelo once more. This morning I was at the table, we bought 4 or 5 kg of fresh organic peas, beautiful, fresh, my colleague, partner, aide, a neighbor told me: "Certainly, if there were any rabbits to your father, would be delighted with these pods, but how many years you have no more rabbits and chickens?" I'll explain who will be 20 years since the Regulations prohibit the breeding of chickens in residential areas, rabbits .... etc., the more I reflect on the fact that they can no longer burn, even at fixed times, leaves, dead branches etc.. even tweak the ns. mayor has banned the use of fireplaces, stoves, etc.. but then it is better to receive radiation ..... that neither see nor smell, do not impuzzano the laundry, but they kill you! We are slaves / and I, for one of the current, if there is not doing anything, nothing works, in relatively modern houses, like mine, if the power fails, there are the dark, cold, without telephone connections, I feel, I feel lost! come to think anything is crazy, yet we are a slave to these resources. Then I get angry a lot and I think that for thousands of years our ancestors were heated with wood fire, the woods were clean, there were thousands of landslides in Unless, of course, life was very + hard, but all worth the risk .... are the first moves in the car alone every day for work, and I take the excuse that public transport is poor and inefficient, so I can not, I must not be so harsh judgments.
Change argument, but are just as shocked, I was washing dishes and I hear on the radio, at the premiere of the securities of TG, that the poor may not be dead now Yara, who has had a long agony ... are indignant, is the case .... you need to know certain things ... definitely for someone, but I will not say lying, but we omit these gruesome details that I think, only serve to satisfy morbid curiosity, but we think of those poor parents who learn that their child has been for some time to suffer before his death, already is appalling to be sure that your daughter is dead, but we need details ....
It 's my opinion but some things do not really have to say, some details about the complaint may not go amiss.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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to enlarge the friendly invitation reached us to participate in this interesting conference city.

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Towards the day of remembrance and commitment to remember the victims of the Mafia

What March 21

Since 1995, every March 21 we celebrate Memorial Day and the commitment to remember the innocent victims of all mafias. On 21 March, the first day of spring, is the symbol of hope that is renewed and is also an opportunity to meet with the families of the victims in Liberia have found the strength to rise from their tragedy, mourning for a search for true justice and deep, transforming the pain into a practical tool, not violent, commitment and action for peace.

19 to 21 March 2011 in Basilicata: why is in the names

An ancient legend that a few thousand years ago through migrant people the south of our country is to walk the vast area of \u200b\u200bland that stretched between the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Sea, which today includes part of the Cilento, Irpinia, high Calabria to the Gulf of Taranto. A land of forests, rivers and mountains, but that struck the people of this land because they saw the sun come up, stopped, then, and called Lucania, which means "land of light".

This is not the only meaning of Lucania, but that's what we like best: it offers hope, because it refers to the responsibility and because, in a sense, explains why on 21 March this year in Basilicata. To tell us once again that the victims Mafia are the common heritage of the memory of the whole country and therefore the people of Lucania, but because this region, always having the edge of a South despite being attacked by the mafia geographically located in the heart of the South, is a kind of boundary between the cultural face of the classic mafia and the face that is evolving in the era of globalization of crime considered to be the ballast guilty of a South that does not take off economically, and that increasingly acts as the overall cultural issue, one that shoots and seeds death and the mafia that calls itself but rather has distanced itself from the hand and violent criminal. A gray area, in short, that the fact of never being easily definable risk of being invisible, or worse, nonexistent, as is the case, in fact, the Basilicata region in which recent history has been marked by a series of events that have catapulted this region on the stage made a crime of murder, missing, perverse twists and hidden powers.
meet again March 21 in Basilicata, therefore, to tell us once again that the contrast to the mafia and all their complexity means going beyond the cliches, it means down into the depths of the events, through appearances, going beyond the boundaries of phrases, and that there are lands - just like this - that help us to understand that the anti-mafia efforts even before the complaint of criminal organizations is announcing a new way of participation in the life of the country is committed, through the shared responsibility of all and each, in the building of cultural models in contrast to the logical patronage and backroom those terms that are fertile ground for a mafia system even before the same clan.

Opening Prayers For Groups

spots XVI Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the victims of the Mafia

Since 1995, every March 21 we celebrate Memorial Day and the commitment to remember the innocent victims of all mafias. On 21 March, the first day of spring, is a symbol of hope is renewed and also an opportunity to meet with the families of the victims in Liberia have found the strength to rise from their tragedy, mourning for a deep and genuine search for justice, transforming the pain into a practical tool, not violent, commitment and action peace. The

sixteenth Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the victims of the Mafia

be held in Basilicata, Potenza, March 19, 2011.

For more information:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Function Word Problems

Jackals .... Click

What happened in Japan deserves rispetto.Merita proximity to the victims and the forms of solidarity that will be taken to help those who bear the consequences of an event among the most catastrophic beginning of this millennium.
Thousands of miles from the islands of Japan, but the reasonableness requires that a tragedy like this puts at least some questions, and this happens in the middle of what should be a debate about whether the use of nuclear energy in Italy is opposed greater use of renewable sources.
should write, in fact, would seem to decisions already taken.
The government wants nuclear power, albeit not know how to enforce it, and already have moved in anticipation of the lobbyists who finance campaigns and commercials to support the reintroduction of it using more subtle forms of communication (Nuclear Forum Italian) for sprinkle with impartiality their intentions.
Across the referendum committees in motion, the parties and the citizens have managed with scarce resources and no media advertising to bring the landing of the Referendum that the Government wants to boycott the shifting date at a cost of three to four hundred million. Equally
by mobilizing the House has landed the popular initiative draft law on energy efficiency, renewables and climate protection, signed by over one hundred thousand people for no to nuclear, in contrast to the government, "said "A few days ago and succeeded in part to cripple the incentive to invest in some alternative energy sources.
In this overall scenario which restricts the opportunity for a serious debate about whether balanced and impartial public to shed light on the real gains of his restoration, some should push on the accelerator the "mud machine" that has on the environment few arguments in favor, but many clichés to be bandied served from unwarranted and ridiculous.
If environmental issues in information are belittled and Italy discuss nuclear energy, the green economy, climate change or decrease has the same importance of the minor sports, then you have to deal with those ready to paint as catastrophic, bubble environmentalism or ecological fanaticism from overwork those who seek to engage in environmental protection. The
after Fukushima marks the rise of the paean of detractors that in addition to government ministers alongside the main exponents that part of the press ready to spare no epithet at those who continue to argue that the development model must be converted who pursues this coherence is described as an enemy to be fought as gullible fools, the service hired most of the time lobbying unspecified scientifically reduced the ABC of physics or biology, and so on, ignoring the real insults to which the best re-emerged in recent days about the Japanese tragedy is to jackals. In this overheated atmosphere
not our intention to give up, even in the context of limited local we are proud that we have chosen the road taken.
As president of Making wood are proud that our first and main activities relate to the theme related to the costs and risks of choice related to the return of nuclear Italia.Dopo December 6, 2009, start date of our activities with our first initiative borrowed from a campaign of Greenpeace Italy on the cost of the bill "atomic," we started a series of interventions on aimed to investigate this issue.
Because the risks associated with the definition of "catastrophic" above, our association has sought to describe and understand the problems of a demanding challenge in several respects also the economic future generations as the one pursued by our government. The uproar and insults to those we leave them without serious arguments.

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Part II first stage sal

few days ago, when Gabry sent us the outline of the new stage, I had a moment of happiness I had, I just want to embroider, and I had not yet decided on the scheme. But a few days before it arrived, I was not able to embroider what I wanted, but a little Friday afternoon a little bit this afternoon I put some crosses. It 'was a full weekend, I could not do everything that I had, but they are satisfied, then I expect a very short week, Thursdays and holidays, a very important holiday, I took Friday a day off 4 days of relaxation and well "relative" not me no one takes them off. These days I cooked, washed, ironed this morning round the table of the homeless, served 70 meals, then I would have had to shift to our bar. oratory but I had more urgent things to do and then I left alone my "partner" of the turn. Yesterday I made a delicious cake found Blog Babette's Feast, apple pie with cardamom, now that I've discovered I'm in love with this spice, I made the necessary changes given the intolerance, Spelt flour instead of that of wheat, soy milk instead of greek yogurt, soy margarine instead of butter, but it is very good, I recommend it, I would say beautiful. And now girls
good week to you all!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Invitation To Fashion Show

Opening and official opening of ReMida Bologna_Terre Water

Sunday, March 13, 2011


... Presentation of the Project ReMida BOLOGNA_TERRE WATER, Center for Creative Recycling of waste materials Works, edited and managed by the Tightrope with the presence of

Priolo Irene
Mayor Calderara di Reno

Linda Montevecchi
Communication Manager Geovest Ltd

Giacomo Beccari, Gaia Calamosca, Alessandro Miti
mimeograph Architecture

Antonella Cardone
Academic Services Manager of the City

Emanuela Cardiota
School Director of the Comprehensive


Discoveries, charms and scraps
experience with games aimed at children, teenagers and adults from 0 to 99 years of age.


Multiethnic buffet presented by Ms Luminita Tanase Romena of origin, residing in Garibaldi 2 and with the collaboration of the boys the Old Bear Brewery.

During this day you can Tessera Funamoboli_ReMida Association to take advantage of the different services of the Centre.

On this occasion, the space of ReMida , houses the works of Francesca Pasquali and will see the presence of the artist on the afternoon of 13. In addition, there will be artists Nut & Stefy authors of murals on the facade of the Garibaldi 2.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yamaha Emulator Connection



- Directors of the RCC and their parents

- Professor Steers and colleagues involved in the project

Hereby we call on the City Council of the Boys and Girls, the meeting will be held

MONDAY 'March 14, 2011 from 14.00 to 16.00

at the council hall on the first floor of City Hall (you enter the door on the green square) with the following agenda:

- meeting with Dr. Elizabeth Urbani (Responsible for welfare policies and personal services for the City of Calderara di Reno)

- Development logo AVIS

- more thematic European Parliament

- any other business;

The meeting will take place in the presence of Trasforini Alexander (Managing Director), Giancarlo Sissa (educator and facilitator JRC), Maria Herrera (Councillor Young).

Giancarlo Sissa
(referent projects JRC)
Mobile: 335-7787464

(to be returned to the meeting signed) _____________________________________________

I, the undersigned parents of _______________________________________________
I am aware of the meeting of the CCRR.
q I authorize my son to return to autonomy. Q
do not authorize my son / daughter to return to the autonomy and will come to take it personally after the meeting. Q
do not authorize my son / daughter to return to the autonomy and delego___________________________a meet you take after the meeting.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tiffany Towers Is Grate Maybe

updates shoulder

So .... MRI retreat, we will, as always, an interpreter, but transpires between the lines that are not so tanned to assume an intervention, and this is very positive, not for fear of the operation itself, but by the time that I stopped faced. However, today I was lucky, I called the secretary of my Dr. Gary and I had an appointment for this evening, he looked at the outcome and then, incredible as it does not hardly ever visit, I had to experiment and I said that over the cuff tendons and partial lesion of the supraspinatus tendon, according to He also involved the biceps tendon. So I ask if this is the case of a visit by an orthopedic shoulder, I appointed two luminaries Italian, 1 in Milan and one in Parma, but it is the case ....???, according to him if he would face no action yes, but it's better for him another visit by the physiotherapist, so book tomorrow and see. Then I said, we do not sleep over, as if I could, not an effort, as if it were possible. He rightly gave me wise advice, but then I have to let us come to terms with my shoulder and with the work, so as always put into practice one of my favorite sayings: "do what you can." Ah, in the meantime I've made require routine blood tests, 1 time per year, given the age is right.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Legnano: "minutes" of meeting of March 4

was held last Friday, March 4 meeting of the Making Legnano.Nel course of the meeting were discussed three main points, the status of the initiatives envisaged for the Festival of Unity ' Italy, the situation of the cuts in the Park Altomilanese, the future development for the Association's activities. This will be quick guide on the Internet, open to any additions by attending the meeting, and comments of those who would say its about ..
Making Legnano addressed constructively critical but I think what has been programmed for the Unity Day of Italy, are known to be associated with situations that still refer to the reading of these pieces *.

I assume detectable in both the above articles, I personally and as an Association we are disappointed for what is proposed by the Administration and the ways that have generated the program in Legnano becomes known only a handful of days before the date fixed.
In other places it is debated whether recurrence represents a March 17 hearing by the population do not intend to go into the pros and cons that do exist.
I think it is obvious how to celebrate the Risorgimento through (for better or for worse) the choice of an event to remember, has had strong opponents and opposition agreed to the boycott.
A Legnano we were within walking distance of the festivities without knowing what exactly is organized by the owners to do so, since 2007 the existence of an ad hoc committee whose nature and whose way of act little (or maybe nothing) you know, ultimately involving the city's zero.
On this last point that of participation, we stress, as usual, Vitali (and who is for it) makes, disposes, and when I do see is disturbing arrabbia.Perché maneuver with requests for information, worse criticism is never welcome.
back to us to fetch wood, we have tried to help in engaging in a collective discourse some associations because there was a lowest common denominator in program initiatives without undermining the autonomy of each project, tracing what happened on the occasion of the referendum on the water.
The responses were disheartening.
Each association has in fact acted independently and fortunately there are initiatives, and for most of quality, but ... ... there is a but ....
This will just lose the opportunity to open a collective discourse (per unit, as it happens) and visible to many citizens that we hope will crowd the streets during the "White Night", 16, of provide them with a characteristic time in which he stressed as the Renaissance was culturally constructed on events that have little to do with a gala and have different quality compared to even the affectation of dignity Carroccio, indeed almost unique cultural activities for which the City has committed when more local visibility.
take note of this act associate each pro domo sua.E in the discussion that we evaluated were not able to act as a catalyst in this attempt to fall back on alternative possibilities.
Jumping Stake in bush, as is the case, to quote the argument, we keeping an eye on the situation of cutting trees within the PAM.
currently do not have precise answers from different respondents. He stressed that the topic of management of the parks we are particularly interested, and then we're looking through the responses of the bodies and we have already contacted the machine acts as protection and land management recommendations to the public.
On the sidelines of these discussions has been introduced the topic on the future activities of the association in
perspective Assembly next April, as a statute will have to decide what "to do" in the future.
And as the current situation, with lack of implementation (albeit partial) of the targets is not excluded a priori to deliver on that occasion for posterity MP fetch wood.

* Clicking on each of the individual words will open its links

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2010 Sea Doo Challenger 180

premium &.... Reading 4

I received this award. Thanks a lot Croccheta , I do not deserve, then I am right now creating very little, I turn to you all.
I would like to knit, but my shoulder pain stops me, I would like to embroider, but I need time to look for the pattern right, the wires and so on. usually takes me a long time, in short, are idle hobby, because for the rest, just a little lazy. Yesterday dining, shopping and cooking. Today, kitchen, iron, 2 walk in the sun they are granted me and then I redid the Kanelbullar, I doubled the dose of the filling and came very better.
completely changing speech, I want to share a phrase that the children of a woman truly exceptional to have dedicated his 60 years: "We must be able to crescere.Le wrinkles are our medals won in a lifetime. The one that got away and who we want to be. " It seems to me very beautiful, knowing then it is true, has established an association to support sponsorships and not only in various parts of the world, has raised funds for opening hospitals, schools, vocational schools to teach a job. His children, so many, I believe, were all adopted from various parts of the globe. Now he, among many things, including grandmother. It 'a person of a simple ... .... of spontaneity I admire, I admire a lot.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Does Tuning Capacitor Not Work?

I read "Pride and Prejudice", I saw the movie 4-5 times, but I had never read it, I started doing physical therapy in December I finished in January, beautiful, clear style is the same, to force "Jane is logical: she is always the author, not a great expert but I know that this is less famous Pride of the above e.. .. But it is equally enjoyable.
finished reading this book I saw a writer from Como, I think, unfortunately, quite unknown to most people, he published his third book, following the practice of his second, so I slingshots in the bookstore and I bought a copy. You should know that I am a fanatic of writers Como, especially if they sets their books in our country, no matter how wise, whether novels, perhaps know Andrea Vitali, beautiful (province of Lecco, Como is not true ... but the lake is the same) environment in all her novels on our lake, beautiful novels, some beautiful, right now I'm reading his latest work, well, not digress ... I was talking about the writer's "unknown" Como
This is
Joseph Guin writes for years on our daily, purchased the book I could not break away, I finished in 4 nights, beautiful, fascinating, then describes the places and especially people in a wonderful way, it makes you immerse completely in the atmosphere, the characters you see them, the nicknames are apt to 100%. But the beauty is now, I find among potential friends on facebook, I ask friends, gives me the right away, then entertain him with a virtual correspondence, the story that I read his books, I declare that I have the feelings aroused He appreciates that fact has affected them has read all, tells me who is finishing a sequel to this last novel, with plenty of immodesty I dare to give him some advice, taken from the story that are so blatantly take the defense of a character, but then I tell them that the author is right to him and I do not have permit to give advice.
Beautiful, is the first time that I happen to chat with a writer, especially a writer whom I respect and admire. I look forward to also publish his fourth novel, also because I have to figure out what will make the protagonist.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Eye Test Prescription Explained

meet friends

Before writing the blog, though I have already defined images, I'll hang around the images of Google and I usually go to look for Snoopy and friends, when I saw this I come heart skipped a beat, it is very old, it is obvious, but the heart sinks because I came 26 years ago, having always been a fan of Peanuts, especially the beagle, pregnant with her son great, I had bought in Milan at a Rinascente blue crew neck sweater on the front and there was, there, right on this. There because the sweater has not even been thrown and no ... 1, has wrapped up the great son, the second with Snoopy does not throw anything. Okay
the post would be chatting to some I have already given, today, free afternoon, I was thinking of going to the grocery store because tomorrow work at the table, however, after lengthy negotiations, I left my agile zippy small car little boy blue to tomorrow afternoon, provided that I can use for spending and the like, so I found myself at home, not bad this solution, I did a lot of things backward to the PC, then I ironed, I sailed from the blog , and I cooked the delicious sweets including matched Blog maman luisa , Blog discovered today, simple but great cakes, I replaced the wheat flour with that of barley, and soy butter with margarine. This evening after dinner has already been halved. I think tomorrow afternoon and then dinner rifaccio.Per them all alone I had an artichoke, the companions I have prepared for midday stuffed with tuna, anchovies, olives, capers, well I served with the solitary a sausage and cream (unfortunately soy) sauce for pasta tonight. E 'liked to repeat. Tomorrow morning they are on duty at the table, I'm very happy these days is coming people, first ranged from 2-4, Wednesday were 12, now 7, great! I know we're ready to accommodate up to 48 people, but to be passed within two months, was a success, potential users may have a sense of embarrassment to appear, should be people who right now are in economic difficulty, it is understandable that those who until recently had a job, etc., feel uncomfortable to access this service, but we put all the availability and acceptance of the case and still felt 2 weeks ago on a service Gualtiero Marchesi said that when he opened his restaurant in Milan, in the 80 for the first three months he struggled to get customers, then .... sure our food can not compete with the sophistication Gualtiero Marchesi, but on the other hand, ns. Prices do not compete with him, even if we use organic food, and all rigorously when cooked. I guess I Ćićarija too, so I'll stop here.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Diana Fchange Lenses Same Film

Bill of Rights of children to art and culture "

Eighteen principles to affirm the right of girls and children to art and culture. It is the content of the Charter rights of children to art and culture, a project which has now joined the cultural institutions that deal with art for children of many countries in Europe. In Italy, among others, have joined Claudio Abbado, Michele Abbondanza, Stefano Benni, Luigi Cancrini, Don Luigi Ciotti, Ivano Dionigi, Marcello Fois, Carlo Lucarelli, Modena City Ramblers, Lidia Ravera, Roberto Roversi, Marco Travaglio, "Vito" Bicocchi.

The project includes construction of an illustrated book published by Edizioni Pendragon with images created specifically by 22 designers, each of which has been one of the points of the Charter, and the translation of that document from Italian into 26 languages \u200b\u200b(Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Croatian, Danish, Finnish, French, Japanese, greek, indian , English, Israeli, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Senegalese, Serbian, Slovenian, English, Swedish, German, turkish, Hungarian). It is also an active website ( and there are specific pages on social networks. Finally, it is scheduled for March 5, at the Teatro Testoni of Bologna, and a conference on children's rights.

The guiding principles PAPER

"Children are entitled to participate in art in all its forms and expressions, to be able to enjoy, practice and share cultural experiences with family, educational facilities, community , beyond the economic and social conditions of membership ".

is, in short, the profound meaning that inspired the Charter rights of children to art and culture, which stems mainly from two fundamental assumptions.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations in 1989 and the Charter on the Rights of the Child launched by the European Parliament in 1992, mentions the right of children to participate in cultural and artistic life.
In particular, Article 31 of the UN Convention states that " 1 - States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to his age and to participate freely cultural and artistic life. 2 - States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the organization, on an equal footing, of appropriate entertainment and recreation, art and culture. "

Article 28.8 of the Charter states that " every child (...) must also be able to enjoy social, cultural and artistic. "


1) to approach art in all its forms: theater, music, dance, literature, poetry, cinema, arts visual and multimedia

2) to experience the artistic languages \u200b\u200bas they also basic knowledge;

3) to be part of the artistic process that they do have their emotional intelligence and help them to develop sensitivity and skills in a harmonious way;

4) to develop, through the relationship with the arts, the intelligence body , semantic, and iconic;

5) to enjoy high-quality artistic products, created specially for them by professionals, while respecting the different age groups;

6) to have a relationship with art and culture are not treated as consumers but as responsible and sensitive subjects;

7) to frequent art institutions and cultural city, and with your family or school, to discover and experience what the area offers;

8) to participate in artistic events and cultural continuity, not occasionally, during their school life and pre-school;

9) to share with your family experience the pleasure of artistic

10) to have an integrated system between schools and arts and cultural institutions, because only continuous osmosis can offer a vibrant culture;

11) to frequent museums, theaters, libraries, cinemas and other places of culture and entertainment, together with their classmates;

12) to live artistic and cultural experiences accompanied by their teachers as mediators needed to support and enhance their perceptions

13) in a secular culture, while respecting of any identity and difference;

14) integration, where migrants, through the knowledge and the sharing of artistic and cultural heritage of the communities in which they live;

15) as a cultural and artistic projects designed in view of the differing abilities;

16) in places designed and structured to welcome them in their various age

17) to attend a school that is real gateway to a widespread culture and public

18) to be able to participate in the proposed arts and cultural city regardless the social and economic conditions of membership, because all children have the right to art and culture.

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CCRR - MINUTES OF February 28, 2011

Present: Councillor Trasforini Alessandro, Gabriella Brascaglia (Chairman of the War against Calderaia), Maria Herrera (Councillor Young), Giancarlo Sissa (Educator and facilitator)

Ravasini Elisa, Sofia Naldi, Gardini Davide, Benuzzi Alice, Anna Soliman, Chiara Lucarini, Marco Bodi, Minghelli Denise, Giorgio Cocchi, Sofia waxes, Magni Francesco Silvestri Simone, Giuseppina Dicandia, Countryside Andrew, Menarini Lorenzo, Emily Sarti, Alessandra Perlino, Sauad Bader.

Presentation of Young Councillor: Maria Herrera

meeting with Gabriella Brascaglia aims the presentation of the activities of the CCRR "Calderara Committee anti-war and solicitation aimed at young persons and to participate in activities.

Alessandro Trasforini therefore introduces the meeting and presents the issues (war, the Mafia, the possibility of peace).

Following presents the website of the CCRR ( ) CCRR the group on facebook - calling on young persons and to write something and to participate, representing facebook also a way to network, get and stay in touch, participate - is distributed a sheet with all the advice and useful addresses.

Brascaglia Gabriella shows up and presents the Committee whose Chairman: This is a group of citizens who seek to promote reflection on the "right to live" with various initiatives and projects which are illustrated (school of peace, sponsorships, support for refugees, refugee camps, purchase of medicines to be sent to Iraq), are also explained in the form of collaboration with other groups such as Free or Emergency (in Afghanistan, hospital for women in the Panjshir).

Of these projects is certainly already familiar with the class IIB through the Professor that Manzi is actively working with the Committee Against War, which, adhering to the call of "Free ", is organizing for a Calderara the month of March 2011 the following activities in which the young persons are invited:

March 15, evening : public meeting with the chief prosecutor of Bologna, Anti-Mafia Directorate national, to talk about the spread of the mafia in the north.

During the meeting a group of boys and girls of San Giovanni in Persiceto tell who lived through the experience last year in a labor camp Free in Calabria. The evening will also attend the group "Addio Pizzo."
Trasforini Alexander explains to the boys / and what exactly a labor camp Free (land and property confiscated from the Mafia and converted into opportunities for cooperative and productive working conditions and decent people, etc.).
Michael said that his sister worked in one of the situations.

March 19, at 11 : a day memory and commitment against the Mafia, " in Calderara will plant a young oak tree in a public park (near the former clinic in via Turati, near the Cove Center will produce a wooden plaque to commemorate the event).
During the tree planting, among others thanks to the efforts of Prof. Manzi who is working on this with some classes, they told those present the life stories of some victims of the Mafia (you will read elsewhere names of the murdered).
Following the ceremony there will be a buffet.
join the boys and girls of the CCRR which explains how to join and collaborate in the initiative through the school.
Sofia asks what time March 15 (20.30). Luca P. did not understand and will re-explain how it can participate.

March 21 in Bologna, march organized by the Free , the Piazza San Domenico (where goods were seized from the Mafia!) Piazza del Nettuno (still do not know the 'precise time).
Francis asked what to do to attend the event (the boys out of school may be accompanied by their teachers - one teacher for every sixteen boys -).
Giancarlo asked if the Mafia is only in the south of country.
Gabriella that the Mafia has evolved much over time, there are mafias old and new - young mafia, for example, in politics today.
Alexander adds that the mafia is everywhere, but not seen. Can still act and harm here.
Gabriella wonders, what? and you reply, we have chosen legality, civil liberty and commitment .
Andrea asks how does the mafia to get hold of things and to enter into politics. Gabriel invited him to attend the meeting of 15, it is called just that.
Trasforini asks two girls to read the written last year on the day against the Mafia in Milan. A boy and a girl and read, in feet. Giancarlo
by news of an e-mail sent by the poet, publisher and editor Gianmario Lucini anthology "The unpoetic mafia" in which he suggested the collection of contributions written by Italian students in response to the theme "The Mafia and my past / The Mafia and my future " aimed at creating a new anthology (the project opens March 1, 2011 and will end with September 30, 2011, e-mail address
Specified Giancarlo Lucini not know personally and do not know quality issues, the proposal is considered interesting by CCRR. Alessandro and Giancarlo
Trasforini offer to support the young persons who wish to join the initiative writing something. Some boys and girls announce their availability, even working together.
After a short break the law ConsigliereTrasforini a report of the JRC Peace Reporter on wars around the world and statistics relating to victims in different countries.
Gabriella Brascaglia recalls exhibitions held last year on the right to food and data on the global situation of conflict. Some boys and girls remember seeing the exhibits.
Andrea asks if, then, the world is populated or depopulated.
Trasforini reminds the world that we are a bit 'more than six billion and that it also poses a problem of the planet's resources.
Gabriella Brascaglia farewell to thank you for your attention and recalling the invitation to participate in the initiatives outlined above.
Alessandra P. says he can not participate on 15 but 19 instead of course.
The boys and girls applaud the host.
is repeated the invitation to visit the site of the CCRR and participate in the blog.
Then announce specific studies for the trip to Strasbourg and a visit to the European Parliament (next issues to be addressed: the European Parliament, the sustainable mobility, writing and mafia).

CCRR Next: MONDAY 'March 14, 2011 - from 16 to 18 hours.

Giancarlo Sissa