On Monday 17 the meeting was held to fetch wood.
Very briefly report what decided at that meeting.
As a matter of hours we discussed the situation referendum in the light of recent developments as hereinafter the signatures collected (Public Water and Renewable Energy, the second nuclear-related back) we carried out in collaboration with associations and political actors.
After the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court the possibility that we can reach a referendum in the spring becomes concrete, as the political situation prevailing in the country is intricate, almost indecipherable and could ultimately move the dates of the visit in case of voting.
This possibility does not affect our decision to begin testing the waters in our local context because the front in support of the referendum questions be as broad and comprehensive possibile.Ci We divided the tasks in this sense even with the welcome assistance of those who met with fetch wood for the first time. Later they discussed the assets on which we will focus our action and we will choose the next meeting we plan to keep membership by the beginning of February, including the possibility of placing the emphasis in Legnano sull'Earth Day 2011. The conclusion of the meeting saw us agree in the 'further proposals giunteci by some citizens regarding issues of diverse but close-up such as architectural barriers on one side and a proposal for a full cultural other.
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