Thursday, December 30, 2010

Belgian Waffle Krusteaz For One Guy

Nuclear Forum Italian

As distracted by nature, a vocation and a tendency, especially in respect of advertising information in general, could not escape from the spot a few days in every where which is "pumped" the activities of the Nuclear Forum Italian.
After opening the same day two national newspapers whose pages in the clear brought the questions of the advertising campaign of the Nuclear Forum, essermeli found as a video broadcast on TV and last but not least, here and there in the network, it would be difficult to ignore.
To date the campaign has continued so conspicuous in the media, and until this point I would have no objection, since the freedom to express
review in accordance with the signed is sacred, even when it crosses my line of thought, but I would like to stress an important issue.
The Forum is presented in its website with a sprinkling of good intentions on the model "to make the public debate
on nuclear power development in Italy, to promote broad and deep knowledge of the nuclear option and its implications for a comparison is not ruling on the issue, etc etc. When
Practical his first outing in style clarifies, in my view, the intentions underlying the promoters.
The board in the spot where you compare two players in a game does not perceive the connotations of a confrontation between thesis for a better understanding of where the nuclear energy issue to be dealt with without preconditions should be one of the items in the energy balance but not the only one.
The approach suggests that part of the spot (it happens that supports nuclear power) has prevalence over the other, pace of the debate on an equal basis should be the foundation of a civil exchange of views.
On the web there are examples of language used in the spot, highlighted by some Internet sites that depict some "good" and "bad." Approaching the end of these lines is an example.
back to me, the newspaper page that opens the post, snapped in front of my computer that brings the country into shape for the press, may represent another example of the intent of this forum in this case between the lines.
Of the two opposing positions, one of them the black part (see the anti-nuclear case) in his arguments against nuclear power contained in so small not readable in the photograph, reads in step final "Rather than having energetically prefer to be dependent on other countries." I read it as an either-or.
words: nuclear Nothing? Satisfied with that passing the convent! The energy you buy it from the neighbors becoming dependent . In a detailed and comprehensive discussion (beyond the obvious consideration that we would be dependent on others in every If he does not possess the Bel Paese uranium mines) could very well be choice but at least one quotation on alternative energy to fossil fuels, focusing on renewable energies.
But I do not spot the strings vibrate to make alternative arrangements or diversa.Il nuclear reflections of nature is the subject which do not divert attention, to reduce opposition to the scenario reduces the possibility that some of the recipients of communication (and not those who already have a position) can think that there is a different energy path.
is chosen to highlight the reasons for the pro-nuclear statements much more reassuring such as "nuclear technology economy is safe ... "and others of the same content, as argued by the party white, pure and immaculate.
With these assumptions, rather than a forum for discussion by the name you are given the Nuclear Forum seems to be well altro.Impressione supported by the fact that it is represented in a plethora of players who have an interest to return to the Italian nuclear companies directly involved in the business which Westinghouse Atomic Energy, Enel, Ansaldo Nuclear, Areva and EDF ..
hard to believe that there is a genuine desire to discuss nuclear power, it seems more that you want to sponsor benefits esso.Se back to my position is a pre-established or a reasonable suspicion only the future will tell.
It 's a matter of fact, to collect the signatures necessary for the presentation of a bill to support renewable energy across the country involving associations, political parties, movements, has worked extensively witness the number of principals , initiatives, events and conferences effettuate.Per personal experience I can describe it in Legnano (as in the rest of Italy) we have spent months in person after person get the purpose of the bill, explaining a topic that has many implications positive but not all of which are consapevoli.Tutto this with limited economic resources in total disregard of the media, using as much about (the references to the sites of investigation) that the net despite being a powerful vehicle of contact does not reach any of them.
would laugh about it by comparing what they are now putting in those that refer to the Forum (millions of euro) only the first step, and above all playing the shell game, hiding the real aim behind the tricks of the trade.
Faced with this comparison, another David and Goliath, the question I ask with concern: in 2011 it will be possible for those who share the same goals whether associations or political parties join forces to share the same commitment? Or are we to live together again as it did this year (who was amazing) with the visibility of research (see its referendum on nuclear power) double action, the dispersion of forces and commitment?
E 'asking too much to take a step forward from this situation?

From the site - Italian Idiots-a key to reading the statement contained in the spot
the color of chess: you will notice that the anti-nuclear part plays with the pieces blacks, while the player who supports the nuclear moves the white pieces. Elementary, therefore, the symbolic association. The black is culturally linked to the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath, bad, bad, says the anti-nuclear idea. White, linked to the concept of purity, transparency, kindness, support the idea of \u200b\u200bnuclear power. The message received on an emotional level is: nuclear power is good, the anti-nuclear is bad.
The voiceover: In order to further strengthen the argument pro nuclear power, the spot uses the tone of voice. The antinuclear has a voice harsh, while the nuclear lined with a soft voice, gentle, gentle, confidential. The viewer is led to attach emotionally to the voice confidentially, so the argument nuclear. This artificially creates an exchange of mutual trust between the viewer and the nuclear.
Even the script of the spot is in favor of nuclear power, in the end, when the voiceover says that nuclear power 'is a great move'. Immediately after this joke is being made other moves on the board, indicating that the last move of the white horse (nuclear) made his defeat, he won the game (and the Italian average is

Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Fix A Pottery Barn Lamp

Good News

21,000 signatures in Lombardy
to say NO to nuclear power, to renewables

Coordination Energy Felice Lombardo, Lombardy, who had initiated the collection of signatures along with Legambiente, ARCI and CGIL, is pleased to announce that after four months of raising and local initiatives on the Draft Law popular initiative " development of energy efficiency and renewables for climate protection " Tuesday, December 21 be handed over to Chamber of Deputies in Rome forms with signatures collected over the national territory.
will be symbolically handed over 80,000 signatures with a parade of Santa Claus "that lead gift in the sun, leaving to other coal and uranium."
In Lombardy the assigned objective (from 10 thousand to 15 thousand) was far exceeded in the region since it was collected 21,000 signatures of individuals with this position which would like to once again affirm their no to return of nuclear power in Italy and called for greater incentives to the dissemination of renewable energy.
During these months were carried out information activities through public meetings, conferences and seminars that have allowed to examine the efficiency and costs, development and current technology, renewable energies such as photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind, biomass. The website of the Coordination ( ) is become a reference point for further information, documentation and forum for discussion on this topic of great relevance for the future and the development of Italy.
The results reveal a huge desire on the part of the population to be able to openly discuss these issues without prejudice and above all without the political will to taxation prevail over the positions already established on the nuclear issue in Italy. We think that these 21,000 and 80,000 signatures collected in Lombardia in Italy can be a great victory for democracy in our country and are a strong signal to those guided by other interests that wish to reset the ongoing discussion for decades and are preparing to shape the thinking of the Italian campaign with a one-way communication.
Special thanks go to all those who have committed (a lot), Massimo, Elena, Anna, Maria Carla, Matteo, Fausto, Ezio Claudio, Robert, Richard, Sandra, the Federation of the Left, Left Ecology and Freedom, the Young Democrats, and all those who are recognized in a company obscured by the media but also circulated among the people with passion.
Before Christmas, wish you in, we will post the data collection by province and some thoughts on the clash that the government and Enel are opening to impose plants, but also on the trust passes to the people for a future that combines the energy in the sun, nature, good jobs, to life.
Mario Agostinelli Navarre and Alfonso

Matlab Releases 14 Plp Generator

Today I have seen peace.

"Today, as the time of Jesus, Christmas is not a children's story, but God's answer to the human drama in search of real peace. - he himself will be peace! - the prophet says, referring to the Messiah. To us it is open, open wide the doors to welcome. "

These are the words of the Pope on Sunday, December 20, 2009 at Angelus.

months ago a dear friend on facebook has published a story in my opinion beautiful, occurred in an elementary class in the capital. It made me think about peace and who strive for it.

The image that I have before my eyes, while Mary oscillates and calls to make peace is so beautiful, vivid and strong not to share it and think that the world will be theirs. It will be of those who love as the essence of being. Whose "Bring the fire" as written in the novel "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy.

This is the quick and intense story of Delia:

"In my class, second grade, at recess there was a little arrogance and a child to take possession of a book a companion of the beat.

There followed a cry sincerely sorry.

speakers were asked to explain what had happened and asked to give reasons the need for arrogance.

I thought to ask the child who had made the gesture to write in his diary that they did without a big reason discourtesy to a friend. Following

I invited them to return to the range.

At that point the whole class, in an absolutely quiet, and convinced not to be heard, and organized "in secret" for making a book for the girlfriend who had been torn.

everyone started to cut to create and write, while the "responsible" morose colored drawing on his own and the "victim" skillfully drawn and colored hearts. After a few

minutes of this scenario of hearts I called the girl, Mary, and I offered to go and make peace with Andy.

I said yes with a smile, approached the table companion and began to swing. He raised his head to back down now, she has swung twice, then smiled and said "make peace?"

He looked up again the smile was so indescribable, and after a few moments manufactured by others, the book "repairer."

Mary returned to their hearts and began to cut them out, then gave them to Andy.

have made peace.

I have inside me moved to tears.

These are the days when I love my job. "

In this story Mary and Andy have made peace.
They have opened their doors to welcome her.

Thanks Delia and thanks to you guys for sharing these moments of joy.

Merry Christmas to all.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gay Cruising Areas Orlando

December 2010

Yeast Come December, the battle becomes
the puppet collapses, and so
falls on those who want war!
"The twelve months," Gianni Rodari
Paola Roe
with the comment of

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cervical Polyp At 8 Weeks Pregnant

My book: Marathon reading for all

Sunday, October 31, within the national initiative "in October raining books" St. John the library With the help of the town of Pesaro, organized the event "My book: Marathon reading for everyone. Marathon in the library reading aloud. "
flyer on the event read " We all have a book that has marked important steps in our lives. To share your story about an existential node, the classic essential for us, the novel that has the most passionate, you come to the library and participate in the marathon reading. "
How to refuse such an invitation? Well to be honest if I had not had the pressure of friends and a high dose of unconsciousness probably would not have made a kind of madness!
And there I was to read aloud a passage taken from the novel "Damage Damned" by Victoria A. that with you share:
"Nothing happened", "could have been worse," along with "But stop it! I do not know what you have to complain ..." are the choruses that have always accompanied the disastrous deeds and the inevitable collapse of house damage. Already, the damage. Opposed in principle to any physical law of gravity, believed to be invisible, flying and you can walk through walls. They and their family tree that looks like a tropical pitcher plant, ready to shrunken if we accidentally get entangled. Where they pass the damage is not anything, even the buildings disappear. A family, a name, a destiny to do damage. To themselves and to others. A person, animal or things that have had the bad idea to cross their path. And this is the step of hammering leitmotiv: "Not to worry, everything is under control," that things over the years, have taken the leads in the apparent general distraction.

objects in our house, always had the gift to materialize and dematerialize according to the interpretation of the moment when they were needed were still join us if anyone had dispossessed them from time, when but no one was looking for was claimed not to know either of them ever possessed before. During these periods, gradually and with discretion, such that almost do not observe it, at other times without any restraint and in mass, the entire contents of the house has made its exit through the front door not to return ever again: pinched, attached, sold or expropriated from the time the officers came for the kidnapping. The furniture ceased to exist from day to day and in those circumstances, it would simply stop, without comment, to eat on a dining table or to find the sheets in a particular closet, because both were gone . In these cases, after a moment of surprise mixed with resignation, it had to look elsewhere with air tediata thinking: "There's the cupboard. But yes, that banal object "

And when he came to miss something as big as the grand piano Stanway & Sons, and inconsiderate some had wondered aloud what had happened, a whistle snarling "What piano?" spoken through clenched teeth and lips had closed for ever the hard question. Anyone who does this kind of gaffes rushed to remedy the situation by pretending to be wrong, the victim of a mistake, a distraction: yes, maybe he saw a piano, little, old man, who had been there for some time, but who knows that had happened! In the basement? Thrown away? Got some cousin who wanted to strum? Those who remembered him more! The impression left on the carpet was just a drawing of the plot.

Damage from home If you could get out of everything, no one beat the edge, but there was one thing that you could not get to do absolutely anything, for any reason in the world: reality. You should always smile and give the impression of being not only happy but also blessed not to notice that the radiators were turned off in December, there was no hot water for washing, the phone was regularly cut, which most often lacked the light and, when there was thank you had a jumper abusive. And there was a creditor, surely a maniac, which rang at all hours of day and night emitting roars infernal purposes only intimidating.

But this bold and defiant attitude, unfortunately, has limitations in the long run. And from today, tomorrow and in the end, in the same manner of movable and without warning, the house is gone, as a whole. Even in this circumstance, however, was crucial to pretend to believe that soon we would have returned and it was a simple misunderstanding, a simple matter. My mother, Anna, was continue to believe that the queen of not-so-where all alone defending his kingdom from enemy attacks and to convince himself that, after many adventures - including that of stealing his file from the court - she would have succeeded. The departure of his royal residence had been made for her embarrassing and unfortunate, of course unexplained, but within a few seconds she had already succeeded in spreading the blame on all those who in one way or another they were around the .

However, the auction house is gone, and Anna was thrown out without even time to take his things and have no other place to go to a hotel by the hour behind the Cemetery where the prostitutes turned naked through the halls. Did not take it so bad: after just a couple of nights had made new friends to play cards and dressed like a fifteen had resumed at full pace and his social life at night. Of course also the lifestyle blamed us saying that if we had done more with you, you would not need to go out every night not to be alone, combined in this way for more.

This law of materialization and dematerialization, as well as to things, also applied to people who at one point there were no more, but was never certain until the end if he were really dead. Simply, no one knew where they were going to end, but we still talk about this in no doubt that someday, maybe, could reappear.

Now the book is in the competition "The book of books marathon 2010". Voting will expire 14/11/2010. Voting is anonymous and easy. Just send an email to
subject line write the name of the event:
My book: marathon for everyone. In
My vote is for "Damned damage" to win A.

For more information log on to the site of the St. John library

Thanks to those who want to vote! : D

Of course I can not help also to share my reading out loud;)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Airbrush Tanning Slogans

November carpenter
go in the woods all alone, there
the last leaf on a tree at the top
and falls at the first blow of the ax.
"The twelve months," Gianni Rodari
the book in November:
commented by Talgiaq

Friday, October 1, 2010

How To Makea Tech Deck Surfboard

November 2010 October 2010 September 2010

October sower
land in the dreams of flower seed, shoot the dark underground

know that tomorrow the sun will warm.
"The twelve months," Gianni Rodari

October's book is
"Dance of the Gull"
Andrea Camilleri
with comment

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Radio Shack Headphone Extensions

September september,
Mature grapes and make wine, muscatel grapes mature
student, prepares the folder!

"The twelve months," Gianni Rodari


September's book is
"What happened to you, Buzz Aldrin?"
Johan Harstad
with commentary by

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10weeks Baby Sounds Congested In Throat

On the trail of memory

On the trail of memory
Thanks to a post on a friend's facebook, I had the opportunity to learn and then buy this DVD. The author, Alpine generations of pens, one day he decided to go back on foot, in the same lonely journey of the disastrous retreat of our army in the campaign of Russia, the Don River to the country Nikolajewka. This journey of remembrance has begun in January 1998, same period, 55 years after the retreat. The DVD
"Traces of Memory" is divided into four parts.
The first is the interview that Bruno Pizzul, also Alpine, made with Fabio Ognibeni author of the DVD. Here is explained the genesis of this work. The second
part is the story of the journey undertaken solo. In my opinion is the most intense. What fascinates me most is the spirit that flows downhill from the dialogue. Although 55 years have passed by those events people still remembered and welcomed with friendship and affection Fabio, representative of those Italian invaders in World War II but Alpini. So men imbued with " brotherhood, selflessness and understanding ," as Nelson would later Cenci in the third part of this DVD. In fact I find in this section of the meeting and interview with a veteran Fabio of those battles, Nelson Battalion Cenci. Vestone, Trent.
The last part is a monologue where it is very poignant representation of the departure and the return of our troops from that disastrous battle.
Of no less importance, the proceeds of the DVD is intended to benefit the Don Gnocchi Foundation Onlus.
Here you can find information to buy the dvd
"Traces of Memory" the sign of the invasion of Russia in the feelings of the younger generation of Fabio Ognibeni

After seeing all the work of Fabian I picked it up and reread for the umpteenth time the story " Neve" Mario Rigoni Stern. Although this author was a veteran of this retreat. Alas it was, because in June 2008, the sergeant Rigoni Stern went further. In his book recounts with clear words, never offensive and direct the events of the retreat. Nelson Cenci is often named in this story along with many other climbers make me understand how even in extreme situations and dramatic spirit of this body, these men will never fail.

A DVD and a book, among many other examples, which can not fail in our training. Not to forget, to learn from these men, "Alpine spirit," the human spirit that everyone should keep and share.

final report. A Merchants Of song, along with Marco Paolini. "Neve". The text is taken a step of the novel by Mario Rigoni Stern.

liquor merchants - Sergeant Snow

"I also feel that I am hungry, and even the sun is just setting. Through the fence, and a bullet whizzes by me. The Russians are keeping an eye on us. Corro and knock on the door of isba. By. There are Russian soldiers there. Prisoners? No. They are armed. With the red star on his cap! I'm holding the gun. I look at them to stone. They are eating around the table. They take their food with a wooden spoon from a common bowl. And look at me with spoon suspended in midair. - Mnie khocetsia iestj, [I'm hungry] - I say. There are also women. One takes a plate, filling it with milk and millet, with a ladle, the bowl of all, and hands it to me. I step forward, I put the rifle on his shoulder and eat. Time does not exist anymore. The Russian soldiers look at me. Women look at me. The children look at me. No one talks. There is only the sound of my spoon into the pot. And in my every breath. - Spaziba, - I say when I'm done. And the woman took the empty plate from my hands. - Pasausta - he replies simply. Russian soldiers leave without looking at me that have moved. The compartment of the entrance there are hives. The woman who gave me the soup, came with I like to open the door and I ask you to give me gestures of a honeycomb to my teammates. The woman gives me the comb and I go out.
That was evident this fact. Now I can not find at all strange to think, but natural that there must be natural that once was among men. After the first surprise all my gestures were natural, I felt no fear, nor any desire to defend or offend.
It was very simple. Even the Russians were like me, I felt it. In quell'isba had arisen between me and the Russian soldiers, women and children and a harmony that was not an armistice. It was something much more respect for the animals of the forest have for each other. "

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Hot Shower Before Waxing

The book for August is
" Cocoa "
Jorge Amado
with commentary by

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Long Does Does Plan B Stay In Your System

August 2010 "A sense of things" by Paolo and Marco Valenti Scatarzi.

Paul and Mark, two very good writers. I "stumbled" on their story through letters to the volcanic rainbow and our common passion, reading. But do not read "everything and more," as some of the spot of Rai years ago. But readings that convey ideas, feelings, thoughts. Well they do in some way reflect. Books that
After browsing the last page, after being placed on the shelves of my bookcase, I keep my mind still linked to certain phrases, certain concepts so as to pick them up and read them! : D

Here "A sense of things" , now in its second edition!

There are some links where you will find information about the book and of course the authors;)

Victoria 's interview on "We, the readers 'ghetto': " Interview with Paul Scatarzi and Marco Valenti authors of "A sense of things"

The video interview on Boopen the authors: Paul Scatarzi, Marco Valenti
The video interview on youtube: Part
; Part; Part Three, Part Four .

The Publisher: The Boopen publisher

The blog of Paul syntagmatic
The blog of Mark: Things are as they are

Mark and Paul continue to write, for my luck and who loves to read "a sense": D Di Marco

I read the book: "Five songs of separation"
Now you can also have his new book: "Comet and lies" . I also want to point out
"A view of Rome in the drawings of Peter Valenti" titled one senses that Marco is not the designer of the beautiful "pictures" shown (some found it on his blog) but it is the curator. The artist who created the designs is the father, Peter. E 'in the blood of the Valenti artistic inspiration! ;)

Di Paolo pointed to a series of wonderful stories posted on "The footprint of the Alps": The night guard

The launch With praise


And a poem: "My story in the seven Smalp Smalpericks"

In particular we mark the tale "Returns" winner of the national literary award 'Mountain Time' ed. 2008. This piece has caused me particular emotion the first time I read it, but especially later, associating its reading to listening in the background of the choruses he cites. This "trick" has allowed me to be "present" as:
"Victor moved to the lectern in the center, gave the 'La', slightly raised his arm and all attacked, under his direction, a song slow and agonizing, I had never heard. "
Beautiful !

Paul is also part of a choral group "The twelve-tone . Although he denies it, an artist at 360 degrees. This is one of the many beautiful songs that he sings with his band: "Brother Sun and Sister Moon . On my YouTube channel I tried to bring together in a playlist some videos, including some songs sung by the twelve-tone, gently user submitted sergioboch .

Happy reading and happy listening! : D

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How Long Does It Take A Sebaceous Cyst To Go Away

Just to lose your sense of time and reading habits, here, as usual in advance), the calendar for the month of July and its recommended book: The book

"Little House on the North-East"
Sergio Maldini
Commented by

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alternative Zu Jvc Rv-nb20b

July 2010 CALENDAR 2010 CALENDAR 2010

June 2010

The book "Anxiety killer"
Carlo Menzinger of Preussenthal
Commented by

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lot Of Blood In First Period Since Giving Birth


Report this initiative to Pesaro, I believe, is new, at least for having two centers where you can unleash and capture books.

been years since I heard about it, but I never came across a book, "liberated" or someone who already participated in bookcrossing!
Last week, during one of my walks through the center of Pesaro I went to visit a friend "neo aNobiiano" has fitted in front of his shop one of these marshalling points .
This is the link to her shop:
Another point sorting here:
In the latter meeting, a aNobiiani hardcore group meets occasionally to chat and lots of snacks,;) and of course, to organize events and more.
I already released a book, specifically "Utopia Park" by Lincoln Child , if no one has captured is likely to find it again where I left it in because of Contramine nr. 6 Pesaro. At the same time I caught a "Fosca" by Hyginus U. Tarchetti .
bookcrossing On site you can see which books are in circulation and which, connected to my shelf have been released or captured by me.
Happy reading! : D

Friday, April 2, 2010

Get Well Message Christian

May 2010

The book "Five songs of separation"
Marco Valenti
Commented by

PS Excellent dish "Pears with Pecorino cheese and honey"
little honey, but good! : D

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Guinea Pig White Substance In Bum

Spring poets will

Thanks to Blog Marco learn that for several years in France is organized "Le printemps des Poètes " this event is linked to 21 March, World Poetry Day established by UNESCO.
It 's a very good initiative, I like to share and participate, as far as I can. So I offer this poem by Peter Handke "In Praise of childhood."
The first time I heard it, it felt not read it, was in the movie "Wings of Desire." This is the initial video of the beautiful film of Wim Wenders:

The following is the full text of the poem:

"When the child was a child, he went to
arms hanging.
He wanted the brook was a river, the river
a stream, and this pool
the sea.

When the child was a child,
did not know of a child.
For him everything had a soul,
and all souls were one.

When the child was a child,
had an opinion on anything.
He had no habits.
often sat cross-legged,
and suddenly slipped away.
had a whirlwind in her hair, and made no faces

When the child was a child,
was the era of these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?
Life under the sun, it is not just a dream?
's not just the appearance of a world in front of a world
what I see, hear and smell?
There really evil?
And people are really evil?
How can it be that I, who am I,
was not there before becoming?
And that someday I, who am I,
no longer be who I am?

When the child was a child, she could not swallow
spinach, peas, rice pudding, steamed cauliflower
and now eats everything, not just by necessity.

When the child was a child,
woke up once in a strange bed, and now
's always the case, the
look good many men, and now
only in rare cases, it featured vividly
a paradise,
and now I can at best guess,
could not imagine anything
and now shudders at the thought.

When the child was a child

played with enthusiasm and is now so taken by what
as then only if this thing is his work.

When the child was a child,
were enough for bread and apple,
and still do.

When the child was a child,
berries fell into its hands,
as only berries do. And
remain so.
Fresh walnuts made its tongue raw,
and still do.
For every mountain and had a longing for a higher mountain yet,
and in every city had a longing for an even greater city.
And this is still true.
on top of a tree, for cherries
it still has today.
was afraid before strangers, and continues to have
awaited the first snow,
And waits.

When the child was a child,
threw a stick against the tree, like a spear. And she still continues
to vibrate. "

(P. Handke, Lied Vom Kindsein)

Monday, March 8, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Surround Sound System

! But one can not do without! Calendar 2010 Calendar 2010

Beyond the dates and anniversaries in most cases there are only on paper, the calendar, the day on March 8 is International Women's Day . I have in mind a performance by an actress that I particularly like. There are few actors who manage to poke fun, to "tease", leaving me weep at every stop. Not tears of sorrow but of laughter and delight. Every time my final comment is "Wow, it has also reason ".
This actress Luciana Littizzetto . In this video is the guest of honor in the show" Che tempo che fa "conducted by Fabio Fazio sent in a special episode just for the March 8, 2009 Women's Day . The video, a divided two parts, is a collection of the funniest jokes of the transmission.

After the exhilarating performance of Luciana and after discovering how women see us boys, I add a piece of another character who has stayed with me in the heart and mind for the contents of his lyrics, Mr. G. In this video Gaber talks about the woman!

Greetings to all women in the world, indispensable and irreplaceable!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Things To Write About Yourself On Picnik

April 2010

The book "The Soul"
of Argeta Broz
Commented by

Monday, February 1, 2010

Does Avelox Help With Coughing

March 2010

The book "The butterflies do not die in the sky"
Barbara Schiavulli
with the valuable comments of

Friday, January 22, 2010

Booster Single Measles Necessary

less M'illumino 2010 edition

again this year for the sixth edition, February 12, 2010 we celebrate the Day of Energy Saving "M'illumino less "radio program sponsored by Caterpillar .

The group aNobii Pesaro, sensitive to environmental issues, for the second consecutive year organizes an evening of reading by candlelight of songs relating to energy conservation and respect for nature.

With the availability of Loris this evening was organized at the local

Coffee literary Ludicanto
via Almerici, 13 Pesaro

Here you will find Information:

This is the video that we made to promote the event:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Is The Plane Equation?

Happy birthday ... girl!

beautiful things I love to share them. This is a beautiful thing, the birthday of my daughter. It goes well, once a child! But in my eyes is the indelible image of her as he runs a small child on the beach and extends the hand, call me back! So "Happy birthday girl!" : D

Happy birthday girl
Edoardo Bennato

There once was a normal day that now

is a special day was a star floating in the sky like a light

and thought since then that star
shines only for you ...

Happy birthday girl today, you're the queen of no king queen

the most important is there.

there in the basket, cats cloth

all invited to the party and among the gifts, of all colors who knows who has sent these

flowers and you just know it, but it's a secret and not tell

Happy birthday girl today, you're the queen of queen

no king who is the most important ... and you
more beautiful than ever

girl for me will always be even if you, if you have a
years more ...
Happy birthday girl ...
Oh Happy Birthday to you!