Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Nuclear Forum Italian

As distracted by nature, a vocation and a tendency, especially in respect of advertising information in general, could not escape from the spot a few days in every where which is "pumped" the activities of the Nuclear Forum Italian.
After opening the same day two national newspapers whose pages in the clear brought the questions of the advertising campaign of the Nuclear Forum, essermeli found as a video broadcast on TV and last but not least, here and there in the network, it would be difficult to ignore.
To date the campaign has continued so conspicuous in the media, and until this point I would have no objection, since the freedom to express
review in accordance with the signed is sacred, even when it crosses my line of thought, but I would like to stress an important issue.
The Forum is presented in its website with a sprinkling of good intentions on the model "to make the public debate
on nuclear power development in Italy, to promote broad and deep knowledge of the nuclear option and its implications for a comparison is not ruling on the issue, etc etc. When
Practical his first outing in style clarifies, in my view, the intentions underlying the promoters.
The board in the spot where you compare two players in a game does not perceive the connotations of a confrontation between thesis for a better understanding of where the nuclear energy issue to be dealt with without preconditions should be one of the items in the energy balance but not the only one.
The approach suggests that part of the spot (it happens that supports nuclear power) has prevalence over the other, pace of the debate on an equal basis should be the foundation of a civil exchange of views.
On the web there are examples of language used in the spot, highlighted by some Internet sites that depict some "good" and "bad." Approaching the end of these lines is an example.
back to me, the newspaper page that opens the post, snapped in front of my computer that brings the country into shape for the press, may represent another example of the intent of this forum in this case between the lines.
Of the two opposing positions, one of them the black part (see the anti-nuclear case) in his arguments against nuclear power contained in so small not readable in the photograph, reads in step final "Rather than having energetically prefer to be dependent on other countries." I read it as an either-or.
words: nuclear Nothing? Satisfied with that passing the convent! The energy you buy it from the neighbors becoming dependent . In a detailed and comprehensive discussion (beyond the obvious consideration that we would be dependent on others in every If he does not possess the Bel Paese uranium mines) could very well be choice but at least one quotation on alternative energy to fossil fuels, focusing on renewable energies.
But I do not spot the strings vibrate to make alternative arrangements or diversa.Il nuclear reflections of nature is the subject which do not divert attention, to reduce opposition to the scenario reduces the possibility that some of the recipients of communication (and not those who already have a position) can think that there is a different energy path.
is chosen to highlight the reasons for the pro-nuclear statements much more reassuring such as "nuclear technology economy is safe ... "and others of the same content, as argued by the party white, pure and immaculate.
With these assumptions, rather than a forum for discussion by the name you are given the Nuclear Forum seems to be well altro.Impressione supported by the fact that it is represented in a plethora of players who have an interest to return to the Italian nuclear companies directly involved in the business which Westinghouse Atomic Energy, Enel, Ansaldo Nuclear, Areva and EDF ..
hard to believe that there is a genuine desire to discuss nuclear power, it seems more that you want to sponsor benefits esso.Se back to my position is a pre-established or a reasonable suspicion only the future will tell.
It 's a matter of fact, to collect the signatures necessary for the presentation of a bill to support renewable energy across the country involving associations, political parties, movements, has worked extensively witness the number of principals , initiatives, events and conferences effettuate.Per personal experience I can describe it in Legnano (as in the rest of Italy) we have spent months in person after person get the purpose of the bill, explaining a topic that has many implications positive but not all of which are consapevoli.Tutto this with limited economic resources in total disregard of the media, using as much about (the references to the sites of investigation) that the net despite being a powerful vehicle of contact does not reach any of them.
would laugh about it by comparing what they are now putting in those that refer to the Forum (millions of euro) only the first step, and above all playing the shell game, hiding the real aim behind the tricks of the trade.
Faced with this comparison, another David and Goliath, the question I ask with concern: in 2011 it will be possible for those who share the same goals whether associations or political parties join forces to share the same commitment? Or are we to live together again as it did this year (who was amazing) with the visibility of research (see its referendum on nuclear power) double action, the dispersion of forces and commitment?
E 'asking too much to take a step forward from this situation?

From the site - Italian Idiots-a key to reading the statement contained in the spot
the color of chess: you will notice that the anti-nuclear part plays with the pieces blacks, while the player who supports the nuclear moves the white pieces. Elementary, therefore, the symbolic association. The black is culturally linked to the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath, bad, bad, says the anti-nuclear idea. White, linked to the concept of purity, transparency, kindness, support the idea of \u200b\u200bnuclear power. The message received on an emotional level is: nuclear power is good, the anti-nuclear is bad.
The voiceover: In order to further strengthen the argument pro nuclear power, the spot uses the tone of voice. The antinuclear has a voice harsh, while the nuclear lined with a soft voice, gentle, gentle, confidential. The viewer is led to attach emotionally to the voice confidentially, so the argument nuclear. This artificially creates an exchange of mutual trust between the viewer and the nuclear.
Even the script of the spot is in favor of nuclear power, in the end, when the voiceover says that nuclear power 'is a great move'. Immediately after this joke is being made other moves on the board, indicating that the last move of the white horse (nuclear) made his defeat, he won the game (and the Italian average is

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Good News

21,000 signatures in Lombardy
to say NO to nuclear power, to renewables

Coordination Energy Felice Lombardo, Lombardy, who had initiated the collection of signatures along with Legambiente, ARCI and CGIL, is pleased to announce that after four months of raising and local initiatives on the Draft Law popular initiative " development of energy efficiency and renewables for climate protection " Tuesday, December 21 be handed over to Chamber of Deputies in Rome forms with signatures collected over the national territory.
will be symbolically handed over 80,000 signatures with a parade of Santa Claus "that lead gift in the sun, leaving to other coal and uranium."
In Lombardy the assigned objective (from 10 thousand to 15 thousand) was far exceeded in the region since it was collected 21,000 signatures of individuals with this position which would like to once again affirm their no to return of nuclear power in Italy and called for greater incentives to the dissemination of renewable energy.
During these months were carried out information activities through public meetings, conferences and seminars that have allowed to examine the efficiency and costs, development and current technology, renewable energies such as photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind, biomass. The website of the Coordination ( ) is become a reference point for further information, documentation and forum for discussion on this topic of great relevance for the future and the development of Italy.
The results reveal a huge desire on the part of the population to be able to openly discuss these issues without prejudice and above all without the political will to taxation prevail over the positions already established on the nuclear issue in Italy. We think that these 21,000 and 80,000 signatures collected in Lombardia in Italy can be a great victory for democracy in our country and are a strong signal to those guided by other interests that wish to reset the ongoing discussion for decades and are preparing to shape the thinking of the Italian campaign with a one-way communication.
Special thanks go to all those who have committed (a lot), Massimo, Elena, Anna, Maria Carla, Matteo, Fausto, Ezio Claudio, Robert, Richard, Sandra, the Federation of the Left, Left Ecology and Freedom, the Young Democrats, and all those who are recognized in a company obscured by the media but also circulated among the people with passion.
Before Christmas, wish you in, we will post the data collection by province and some thoughts on the clash that the government and Enel are opening to impose plants, but also on the trust passes to the people for a future that combines the energy in the sun, nature, good jobs, to life.
Mario Agostinelli Navarre and Alfonso

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Today I have seen peace.

"Today, as the time of Jesus, Christmas is not a children's story, but God's answer to the human drama in search of real peace. - he himself will be peace! - the prophet says, referring to the Messiah. To us it is open, open wide the doors to welcome. "

These are the words of the Pope on Sunday, December 20, 2009 at Angelus.

months ago a dear friend on facebook has published a story in my opinion beautiful, occurred in an elementary class in the capital. It made me think about peace and who strive for it.

The image that I have before my eyes, while Mary oscillates and calls to make peace is so beautiful, vivid and strong not to share it and think that the world will be theirs. It will be of those who love as the essence of being. Whose "Bring the fire" as written in the novel "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy.

This is the quick and intense story of Delia:

"In my class, second grade, at recess there was a little arrogance and a child to take possession of a book a companion of the beat.

There followed a cry sincerely sorry.

speakers were asked to explain what had happened and asked to give reasons the need for arrogance.

I thought to ask the child who had made the gesture to write in his diary that they did without a big reason discourtesy to a friend. Following

I invited them to return to the range.

At that point the whole class, in an absolutely quiet, and convinced not to be heard, and organized "in secret" for making a book for the girlfriend who had been torn.

everyone started to cut to create and write, while the "responsible" morose colored drawing on his own and the "victim" skillfully drawn and colored hearts. After a few

minutes of this scenario of hearts I called the girl, Mary, and I offered to go and make peace with Andy.

I said yes with a smile, approached the table companion and began to swing. He raised his head to back down now, she has swung twice, then smiled and said "make peace?"

He looked up again the smile was so indescribable, and after a few moments manufactured by others, the book "repairer."

Mary returned to their hearts and began to cut them out, then gave them to Andy.

have made peace.

I have inside me moved to tears.

These are the days when I love my job. "

In this story Mary and Andy have made peace.
They have opened their doors to welcome her.

Thanks Delia and thanks to you guys for sharing these moments of joy.

Merry Christmas to all.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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December 2010

Yeast Come December, the battle becomes
the puppet collapses, and so
falls on those who want war!
"The twelve months," Gianni Rodari
Paola Roe
with the comment of