Sunday, August 29, 2010

Radio Shack Headphone Extensions

September september,
Mature grapes and make wine, muscatel grapes mature
student, prepares the folder!

"The twelve months," Gianni Rodari


September's book is
"What happened to you, Buzz Aldrin?"
Johan Harstad
with commentary by

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10weeks Baby Sounds Congested In Throat

On the trail of memory

On the trail of memory
Thanks to a post on a friend's facebook, I had the opportunity to learn and then buy this DVD. The author, Alpine generations of pens, one day he decided to go back on foot, in the same lonely journey of the disastrous retreat of our army in the campaign of Russia, the Don River to the country Nikolajewka. This journey of remembrance has begun in January 1998, same period, 55 years after the retreat. The DVD
"Traces of Memory" is divided into four parts.
The first is the interview that Bruno Pizzul, also Alpine, made with Fabio Ognibeni author of the DVD. Here is explained the genesis of this work. The second
part is the story of the journey undertaken solo. In my opinion is the most intense. What fascinates me most is the spirit that flows downhill from the dialogue. Although 55 years have passed by those events people still remembered and welcomed with friendship and affection Fabio, representative of those Italian invaders in World War II but Alpini. So men imbued with " brotherhood, selflessness and understanding ," as Nelson would later Cenci in the third part of this DVD. In fact I find in this section of the meeting and interview with a veteran Fabio of those battles, Nelson Battalion Cenci. Vestone, Trent.
The last part is a monologue where it is very poignant representation of the departure and the return of our troops from that disastrous battle.
Of no less importance, the proceeds of the DVD is intended to benefit the Don Gnocchi Foundation Onlus.
Here you can find information to buy the dvd
"Traces of Memory" the sign of the invasion of Russia in the feelings of the younger generation of Fabio Ognibeni

After seeing all the work of Fabian I picked it up and reread for the umpteenth time the story " Neve" Mario Rigoni Stern. Although this author was a veteran of this retreat. Alas it was, because in June 2008, the sergeant Rigoni Stern went further. In his book recounts with clear words, never offensive and direct the events of the retreat. Nelson Cenci is often named in this story along with many other climbers make me understand how even in extreme situations and dramatic spirit of this body, these men will never fail.

A DVD and a book, among many other examples, which can not fail in our training. Not to forget, to learn from these men, "Alpine spirit," the human spirit that everyone should keep and share.

final report. A Merchants Of song, along with Marco Paolini. "Neve". The text is taken a step of the novel by Mario Rigoni Stern.

liquor merchants - Sergeant Snow

"I also feel that I am hungry, and even the sun is just setting. Through the fence, and a bullet whizzes by me. The Russians are keeping an eye on us. Corro and knock on the door of isba. By. There are Russian soldiers there. Prisoners? No. They are armed. With the red star on his cap! I'm holding the gun. I look at them to stone. They are eating around the table. They take their food with a wooden spoon from a common bowl. And look at me with spoon suspended in midair. - Mnie khocetsia iestj, [I'm hungry] - I say. There are also women. One takes a plate, filling it with milk and millet, with a ladle, the bowl of all, and hands it to me. I step forward, I put the rifle on his shoulder and eat. Time does not exist anymore. The Russian soldiers look at me. Women look at me. The children look at me. No one talks. There is only the sound of my spoon into the pot. And in my every breath. - Spaziba, - I say when I'm done. And the woman took the empty plate from my hands. - Pasausta - he replies simply. Russian soldiers leave without looking at me that have moved. The compartment of the entrance there are hives. The woman who gave me the soup, came with I like to open the door and I ask you to give me gestures of a honeycomb to my teammates. The woman gives me the comb and I go out.
That was evident this fact. Now I can not find at all strange to think, but natural that there must be natural that once was among men. After the first surprise all my gestures were natural, I felt no fear, nor any desire to defend or offend.
It was very simple. Even the Russians were like me, I felt it. In quell'isba had arisen between me and the Russian soldiers, women and children and a harmony that was not an armistice. It was something much more respect for the animals of the forest have for each other. "